Sony Faridi Emerges Triumphant as Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) at Forever Mrs India City Finale

 Sony Faridi Crowned Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) at Forever Mrs India City Finale Victory for Sony Faridi as She Clinches Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) Title at City Finale Sony Faridi Emerges Triumphant as Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) at Forever Mrs India City Finale Mrs Haldwani Sony Faridi unfolding a tale of beauty at City Finale. Haldwani: Forever Star India organized the grand beauty pageant Forever Miss, Mrs., and Miss Teen India 2024 City Crowning from September 6th to 8th, 2024. In this prestigious event, models from various cities across the country were crowned in different categories—Miss, Miss Teen, and Mrs. India's City Groups. Sony Faridi emerged victorious as the Forever Mrs Haldwani City Winner 2024. Becoming Mrs Haldwani 2024 is a significant milestone in Sony’s life, placing her at the forefront of the country’s modeling and beauty industry. As the reigning Mrs Haldwani, she now has the opportunity to represent her city on various platforms, advocate for important causes, and make a positive impact on society. After winning Mrs. Haldwani 2024, Sony, a dedicated housewife, shares her ambitious goal of pursuing a career in modeling. She envisions using her success to become a guiding light for other girls in society, inspiring them to follow their dreams and break barriers. For Sony, this title is a pivotal step towards achieving her aspirations and serving as a role model for empowerment and perseverance. The Grand Finale of Forever Mrs India 2024 is set to take place in December, and the journey to crown the state and national winners will be an exciting one. All the contestants are eagerly preparing for the upcoming stages. The 2024 edition of Miss and Mrs. and Miss Teen India marks the 4th season, where selected models from across the country participate and empower themselves. Forever Star India has made history by setting a world record for the maximum number of crowning ceremonies over the past Three years.

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 04:58 PM (IST)
Sony Faridi Emerges Triumphant as Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) at Forever Mrs India City Finale
Sony Faridi Emerges Triumphant as Mrs Haldwani 2024 (G-1) at Forever Mrs India City Finale

Haldwani: Forever Star India organized the grand beauty pageant Forever Miss, Mrs., and Miss Teen India 2024 City Crowning from September 6th to 8th, 2024.

In this prestigious event, models from various cities across the country were crowned in different categories—Miss, Miss Teen, and Mrs. India's City Groups. Sony Faridi emerged victorious as the Forever Mrs Haldwani City Winner 2024.

Becoming Mrs Haldwani 2024 is a significant milestone in Sony’s life, placing her at the forefront of the country’s modeling and beauty industry. As the reigning Mrs Haldwani, she now has the opportunity to represent her city on various platforms, advocate for important causes, and make a positive impact on society.

After winning Mrs. Haldwani 2024, Sony, a dedicated housewife, shares her ambitious goal of pursuing a career in modeling. She envisions using her success to become a guiding light for other girls in society, inspiring them to follow their dreams and break barriers. For Sony, this title is a pivotal step towards achieving her aspirations and serving as a role model for empowerment and perseverance.

The Grand Finale of Forever Mrs India 2024 is set to take place in December, and the journey to crown the state and national winners will be an exciting one. All the contestants are eagerly preparing for the upcoming stages.

The 2024 edition of Miss and Mrs. and Miss Teen India marks the 4th season, where selected models from across the country participate and empower themselves. Forever Star India has made history by setting a world record for the maximum number of crowning ceremonies over the past Three years.

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